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This hook is called when executing a SELECT query.


The hook is called once for each entity in the query, allowing you to add (or remove) restrictions specific to that entity. Note that this hook will only be invoked for API calls if check_permissions is set to 1. It will be bypassed for API calls that do not set this parameter.

This hook is new in 4.7 and coverage is limited. The Case entity is fully covered by this hook; selecting cases via api, ui, or searches will all invoke this hook. Most other entities are covered when being selected via api but not in the UI or searches.

This hook is part of a general permissions refactoring which is not yet complete.

The Contact entity is fully covered by hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause and that is the recommended hook for limiting access to contacts. For other entities, we need to increase coverage of this hook by using the api internally instead of directly executing sql, and by standardizing searches to use these permissions.


hook_civicrm_selectWhereClause($entity, &$clauses)


  • string $entity - name of entity being selected - follows api naming conventions (Contact, EntityTag, etc.)
  • array $clauses - (reference) array of clauses keyed by field\ Uses the format array('field_name' => array('operator condition'))


  • void


function example_civicrm_selectWhereClause($entity, &$clauses) {
  // Restrict access to cases by type
  if ($entity == 'Case') {
    $clauses['case_type_id'][] = 'IN (1,2,3)';

If your condition depends on joining onto another table, use a subquery, like so:

function example_civicrm_selectWhereClause($entity, &$clauses) {
  // Restrict access to emails by contact type
  if ($entity == 'Email') {
    $clauses['contact_id'][] = "IN (SELECT id FROM civicrm_contact WHERE contact_type = 'Individual')";