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CiviMail Reference


CiviMail is probably one of the most complex parts of CiviCRM that is around. There have been a number of efforts over the years to streamline and to improve how CiviMail performs and the methods by which it generates dynamic content as well. This guide will aim to go through, What settings are available to administrators to tweak the performance of CiviMail, how CiviMail runs its jobs and How Extension Authors can extend CiviMail.


In CiviMail there are a number of settings that allows users to improve the speed of their sending. These can be found in Administer -> CiviMail -> Mailer Settings. These settings should be configured based on your hosting provider and email provider. There is also a few important settings in Administer -> CiviMail -> CiviMailComponent Settings. Some settings allow end users to disable checking for mandatory tokens and others allow you to tell CiviCRM whether or not to automatically dedupe email address. This can be useful to stop users getting multiple copies of your emails. Since 4.6 some settings especially in regards to the auto-deduping are able to be overridden pre-mailing as well. This is done by clicking on the ratchet icon next to the recipients box when composing a CiviMail.

Email Selection

By default, contacts are joined to a group with no location or email preference. In this case, the destination email is chosen by taking the primary email of the contact's primary location. If the contact has only one email or location, this works as would be expected.

If the contact has multiple locations, a location preference may be set for each group to which that contact belongs. If the membership has a location preference, the primary email address of that location is chosen for the destination. For advanced users, an email address preference may also be specified at the group membership level, overriding the location preference.

Note that a contact may only have one subscription record for the group, so the mailing will go to at most one of the contact's email addresses.


Tokens are an important feature for CiviMail -- they allow you to merge in data about the recipient (e.g. {contact.first_name}) and to facilitate workflows with hyperlinks (e.g. {action.optOutUrl}).

Tokens were originally developed for CiviMail, but they are now used in several more contexts -- such as individual mailings, print letters, receipts for contributions, and scheduled reminders. For more details on how tokens work generally, see the Token Reference.

Required Tokens

CiviMail imposes an additional requirement that's not part of other token-based applications: required tokens. These tokens facilitate best-practices and regulatory-compliance for email marketing, and they must be included in every mailing.

The main required tokens are {domain.address} and one of either {action.optOutUrl} or {action.optOut} or {action.unsubscribe} or {action.unsubscribeUrl}. When the opt out token is used the user will be able to set the is_opt_out flag on their user records. Whereas with the unsubscribe tokens this will only remove them from the groups that were used in the CiviMail.

NULL values and Defaults

Many non-required contact fields are exposed to the token processor, and not every contact will have values for every token. By default, if there is no value for a token field, it is replaced with a blank string. To override this behavior, use either Smarty or hook_civicrm_tokens() and hook_civicrm_tokenValues(). The following is an example of using Smarty to override a token (note that since Smarty sees tokens as constants, they will never register as empty. The {capture assign=variable}{token}{/capture} is a workaround for this):

{capture assign=first_name}{contact.first_name}{/capture}

Hello {$first_name|default:Friend}!

URL Tracking

When URL Tracking is enabled in a mailing, all links in the body of the message will be inserted into the civicrm_mailing_trackable_url table. The links will then be translated to point to a redirect script which is passed the and the trackable URL ID as GET parameters, and registers the event.

One limitation of the current URL tracking is that the link text in HTML messages should not contain "http" otherwise it will be replaced by the tracking link. So instead this <a href=""></a> use a format without the http such as <a href=""></a>

VERP Headers

All outgoing mail uses the following associated VERP addresses:

Address Use
b.JOB.QUEUE.HASH@FIXME.ORG Return-path/bounce handling
reply.JOB.QUEUE.HASH=EMAIL@FIXME.ORG Reply to the author of the mailing, if configured
unsubscribe.JOB.QUEUE.HASH=EMAIL@FIXME.ORG Unsubscribe from the group(s) of this mailing
optOut.JOB.QUEUE.HASH=EMAIL@FIXME.ORG Unsubscribe from the domain

Where JOB is the ID of the Job, QUEUE is the ID of the queue event for this particular message, and HASH is the SHA-1 of the job ID, contact's email ID, and contact ID. The email and contact IDs are never exposed to the recipient within the message. The recipient's email address is VERP-encoded (=EMAIL) in the address.

Additionally, the following addresses are used only for inbound processing:

Address Use
subscribe.DOMAIN.GROUP@FIXME.ORG Subscribe a contact to a group
confirm.CONTACT.SUBSCRIBE.HASH=EMAIL@FIXME.ORG Confirm double opt-in for group subscription

For more information see this Stack Exchange Question.



Given a job, find all email addresses that should receive the mailing (job.mailing_id). 'email address' is taken to mean the primary email of the primary location of a contact, unless one (or both) of the email and location fields in the contact-group join table are non-null. For inclusion, only contacts where do_not_email = 0 and on_hold = 0 are considered.

If a job has is_retry = 1, the queue is generated by finding all jobs with the same mailing_id and joining to bounce event (through queue). Otherwise, the queue is generated as follows:

  • Included recipients (group_type = Include)

    • Static groups - All contacts belonging to (status = In) any group in crm_mailing_group where mailing_id = job.mailing_id.
    • Saved searches - All contacts matching the where clause of a saved search linked from groups in crm_mailing_group.
    • Previous mailings - All email addresses in Mailing_Event_Queue with the job.mailing_id keyed from the mailing-group join table. Only jobs with Complete status should be considered.
  • Excluded recipients (group_type = Exclude)

    • Static groups - All contacts belonging to (status = In) any group in crm_mailing_group where mailing_id = job.mailing_id.
    • Saved searches - All contacts matching the where clause of a saved search linked from groups in crm_mailing_group.
    • Previous mailings - All email addresses in Mailing_Event_Queue with the job.mailing_id keyed from the mail-group join table.
    • Successful deliveries in previous jobs of the same mailing - All email addresses in Mailing_Event_Queue where job.mailing_id = mailing_id inner join to Mailing_Event_Delivery and left join to Mailing_Event_Bounce where <> null and is null.


Job status can take one of 5 states.

  1. Scheduled: All jobs start in this state, and stay there until the start_date has passed.
  2. Running: Jobs are marked Running only after the entire recipient queue (Mailing_Event_Queue) has been constructed. If the queuing process is interrupted, the job will remain in Scheduled and the queue will be reconstructed the next time the mailer is run.
  3. Complete: Jobs are marked complete after the mailer has attempted to send the message to every recipient in the queue (ie. every queue event has a corresponding bounce or delivery event). Note that slow bounce events may continue well after the job has been marked Complete.
  4. Paused: A job can only be marked paused by the admin interface. The mailer will not act on paused jobs.
  5. Canceled: Like paused, but cannot be placed back in the Running state.

Inbound CiviMail Events

Events within CiviMail are usually designed for when CiviMail receives an email in the VERP structure as defined above. There can also be events fired when CiviCRM is preparing emails to send or delivering emails, or processing forms with links generated from CiviMails.

  • Delivery
    • Registered after a successful SMTP transaction.
    • Action - Add a new row in Mailing_Event_Delivery with the queue_id.
  • Bounce
    • Registered after an unsuccessful SMTP transaction (fast bounce), or by the inbound processor (slow bounce, see: CiviMail Mailer Settings)
    • Action:
      • Add a new row in Mailing_Event_Bounce with the queue_id, bounce_type and bounce_reason returned by the bounce processor
      • Count the bounce events for email_id and compare with the hold_threshold for the matching bounce type. If the email address has more than the threshold of any type of bounce, place it on bounce hold.
  • Unsbuscribe
    • Registered after either a Successful SMTP transaction or submission on the usubscribe webform
    • Action
      • Removes the contact from the group leaving a note in the civicrm_subscription_history table indicating it was from an email and when it happend
      • Add a row in mailing_event_unsbuscribe setting the is_domain = 0for the new row.
  • Opt Out
    • Registered after a successful SMTP transaction or on submisssion of the opt out form.
    • Action
      • Adds a row in mailing_event_unsubscrive setting is_domain = 1.
      • Updaes the is_opt_out field to 1 for the contact
  • tracking url
    • Regisreted when a successfull webrequest is recieved and processed
    • Action adds a row into mailing_event_trackable_url_open with the current date and the url_id that was clicked
  • Reply
    • Registered when CiviMail successfully processes an SMTP transaction.
    • Action
      • Adds a record into mailing_event_reply table with the relevant queue_id and when the reply was procesed
      • Rewrites the mail envelope and sends on the email to the intended reply address as set in the civicrm_mailing table
  • Queue
    • Registered with CiviMail goes to send a CiviMail and creates queues as above
    • Action - Adds a row to mailing_event_queue table with relevant queue_id
  • Subscribe / Confirm
    • Regisreted CiviMail successfully processes an SMTP transaction or when the relevant form is used
    • Action
      • Adds a row into either mailing_event_confirm or mailing_event_subscribe
      • if subscribe and double confirm is enabled sends a confirm email, for confirmations and where double confirm is not used, it adds a relevant row into civicrm_group_contactand civicrm_subscription_history adding the contact to the relevant group.