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This hook is used to add or modify display columns and filters.


alterReportVar($varType, &$var, $reportForm) {


  • $varType - a string containing the value "columns", "rows", "sql", "actions", or "outputhandlers" depending on where the hook is called.
  • &$var - a mixed var containing the columns, rows, or SQL, depending on where the hook is called
  • $reportForm - a reference to the CRM_Report_Form object.

Explanation of varType values

  • columns - this is called early in report processing and allows you to add/change the columns in the report. $var will contain the existing $reportForm->_columns member.
  • rows - this is called near the end of report processing, but before custom fields have been formatted. $var will contain an array of rows indexed sequentially.
  • sql - this is called shortly before the query is executed. $var here is the same as $reportForm. You can alter $var->_select, $var->_from, etc.
  • actions - this is called after the actions dropdown is built. $var is an array of rows of the form 'report_instance.csv' => ['title' => 'Export to CSV'].
    • The value arrays may contain other entries besides 'title', e.g. for save/copy operations.
    • If you need your additions to be integrated with outputhandlers below, then the top-level keys should start with report_instance. the same as the core entries.
  • outputhandlers - this is called when building the list of possible candidate implementations for a given output format, e.g. the built-in CSV, PDF, and Print formats. $var is an array of class names with rows of the form '\CRM_Report_OutputHandler_Csv' => '\CRM_Report_OutputHandler_Csv'.
    • The value is duplicated in the key to both avoid duplicates and make it easier to unset one you might want to remove.


  • null

Performance Considerations

It is often more performant to change the report query on $varType == 'sql' than to do database lookups on each row in the rows in the $var array on $varType == 'rows'.

Example 1

From the Mandrill Transactional Email extension, this code checks to see if this is a mailing bounce/open/clicks/detail report. If so, it uses mailing data stored in a custom table "civicrm_mandrill_activity", and sets the SQL and columns appropriately.

 * Implementation of hook_civicrm_alterReportVar
function mte_civicrm_alterReportVar($varType, &$var, $reportForm) {
  $instanceValue = $reportForm->getVar('_instanceValues');
  if (!empty($instanceValue) && in_array($instanceValue['report_id'], array(
) {
  if ($varType == 'sql') {
    if (array_key_exists('civicrm_mailing_mailing_name', $var->_columnHeaders)) {
      $var->_columnHeaders['civicrm_mandrill_activity_id'] = array(
        'type' => 1,
        'title' => 'activity',
      $var->_columnHeaders['civicrm_mailing_id'] = array(
        'type' => 1,
        'title' => 'mailing id',
      $var->_select .= ' , civicrm_mandrill_activity.activity_id as civicrm_mandrill_activity_id, as civicrm_mailing_id ';
      $from = $var->getVar('_from');
      $from .= ' LEFT JOIN civicrm_mandrill_activity ON = civicrm_mandrill_activity.mailing_queue_id';
      $var->setVar('_from', $from);
      if ($instanceValue['report_id'] == 'Mailing/opened') {
        $var->_columnHeaders['opened_count'] = array(
          'type' => 1,
          'title' => ts('Opened Count'),
        $var->_select .= ' , count(DISTINCT( as opened_count';
        $var->_groupBy = ' GROUP BY';
  if ($varType == 'rows') {
    $mail = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing();
    $mail->subject = "***All Transactional Emails***";
    $mail->url_tracking = TRUE;
    $mail->forward_replies = FALSE;
    $mail->auto_responder = FALSE;
    $mail->open_tracking = TRUE;
    if (array_key_exists('civicrm_mailing_mailing_name', $reportForm->_columnHeaders)) {
      foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value['civicrm_mandrill_activity_id']) && $mail->id == $value['civicrm_mailing_id']) {
          $var[$key]['civicrm_mailing_mailing_name_link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url(
          $var[$key]['civicrm_mailing_mailing_name_hover'] = ts('View Transactional Email');
      unset($reportForm->_columnHeaders['civicrm_mandrill_activity_id'], $reportForm->_columnHeaders['civicrm_mailing_id']);

Example 2

Implementing $varType 'actions' and 'outputhandlers'.

/// FILE: example.php

 * Implementation of hook_civicrm_alterReportVar.
function example_civicrm_alterReportVar($varType, &$var, $reportForm) {
  switch ($varType) {
    case 'outputhandlers':
      // Add my own
      $var['\My\Namespace\SampleOutputHandler'] = '\My\Namespace\SampleOutputHandler';

      // Don't let people use the built-in pdf output.
      // Disabling it here as well as 'actions' will also prevent the
      // mail_report job from using format=pdf.

      // Override the built-in csv with my own (or you could unset and add
      // your own, and then also add in 'actions')
      $var['\CRM_Report_OutputHandler_Csv'] = '\My\Namespace\CsvOutputHandler';

    case 'actions':
      // Add my own
      $var['report_instance.sample'] = ['title' => 'Export Sample'];

      // Don't let people use the built-in pdf output

 * You may also want to implement hook_civicrm_links to update the
 * links on the report instance listing pages.
 * Implementation of hook_civicrm_links.
function example_civicrm_links($op, $objectName, $objectId, &$links, &$mask, &$values) {
  if ($op == '') {
    // These have slightly different array keys than other links.
    // See CRM/Report/Page/InstanceList.php
    $links['sample'] = [
      'label' => E::ts('Export to Sample'),
      'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url(

/// FILE: My/Namespace/CsvOutputHandler.php
/// Note we're extending the original built-in CSV class in order to
/// override part of its functionality.

namespace My\Namespace;
use CRM_Example_ExtensionUtil as E;
class CsvOutputHandler extends \CRM_Report_OutputHandler_Csv {
  // We just want to override the email body text because here we don't
  // want to include the link to the report and the stock wording,
  // otherwise this class works the same as the core one, so this is all
  // we need to do.
  public function getMailBody():string {
    return $this->getForm()->getReportHeader()
      . E::ts('Here is my custom email body text.')
      . $this->getForm()->getReportFooter();

/// FILE: My/Namespace/SampleOutputHandler.php
/// Here we're adding a whole new type of output format.

namespace My\Namespace;
use CRM_Example_ExtensionUtil as E;
class SampleOutputHandler extends \Civi\Report\OutputHandlerBase {
   * Override functions from the base class as needed.
   * If you really want to start from scratch you don't have to extend,
   * but then the class declaration needs to implement
   * \Civi\Report\OutputHandlerInterface.

  public function isOutputHandlerFor(\CRM_Report_Form $form):bool {
    // You can have more complicated decision-making, e.g. based on the
    // report classname, or the instance id which you can get from
    // $form->getID(), but it should also be related somehow to what
    // you used in the $varType == 'actions' hook.
    return ($form->getOutputMode() === 'sample');

  // override other functions based on what this format is ...

There is also a working sample extension available.