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Differences Between API v3 and v4

APIv4 is broadly similar to APIv3. Both are designed for reading and writing data. Both use entities, actions, and parameters. However, APIv4 is specifically a breaking-change which aims to reduce ambiguity and improve flexibility and consistency.

This document walks through a list of specific differences. As you consider them, it may help to have a concrete example expressed in both APIv3 and APIv4:

Procedural-array style:
 1: $res = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', [
 2:   'sequential' => 1,
 3:   'check_permissions' => 0, // default
 4:   'first_name' => 'Bob',
 5:   'return' => 'id,display_name',
 6:   'options' => [
 7:     'limit' => 2,
 8:     'offset' => 2,
 9:   ],
10: ]);
12: foreach ($res['values'] as $row) {
13:   echo $row['display_name'];
14: }
Procedural-array style:
 1: $result = civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [
 2:   'checkPermissions' => FALSE,
 3:   'where' => [['first_name', '=', 'Bob']],
 4:   'select' => ['id', 'display_name'],
 5:   'limit' => 2,
 6:   'offset' => 2,
 7: ]);
 9: foreach ($result as $row) {
10:   echo $row['display_name'];
11: }
Object-oriented style:
 1: $result = \Civi\Api4\Contact::get()
 2:  ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE)
 3:  ->addWhere(['first_name', '=', 'Bob'])
 4:  ->addSelect(['id', 'display_name'])
 5:  ->setLimit(2)
 6:  ->setOffset(2)
 7:  ->execute();
 9: foreach ($result as $row) {
10:   echo $row['display_name'];
11: }


APIv4 reflects the ongoing efforts present through the lifecycle of APIv3 toward uniform and discreet input parameters.

For a little history... If you used early versions of APIv3, you might have written some code like this:

civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', array(
  'check_permissions' => 0,
  'first_name' => 'Elizabeth',
  'return' => 'id,display_name',
  'rowCount' => 1000,
  'offset' => 2,

You may notice that there are no subordinate arrays -- everything goes into one flat list of parameters. As the system grew, this became a bit awkward:

  • What happens if you want to filter on a field named return or action or rowCount?
  • How do you ensure that the same option gets the same name across all entities (rowCount vs limit)?
  • Why does first_name use snake_case while rowCount uses lowerCamelCase?
  • Why is Contact.get the only API to support rowCount?

Over time, APIv3 evolved so that this example would be more typical:

civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', [
  'check_permissions' => FALSE,
  'first_name' => 'Elizabeth',
  'return' => ['id','display_name'],
  'options' => ['limit' => 1000, 'offset' => 2],


  • The options adds a place where you can define parameters without concern for conflicts.
  • The new generation of options are more standardized - they often have generic implementations that work with multiple entities/actions.
  • The top-level still contains a mix of option fields (like return) and data or query fields (like first_name).
  • The old options at the top-level are deprecated but still around.

APIv4 presented an opportunity to break backward compatibility and thereby become more consistent. In APIv4, a typical call would look like:

civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [
  'checkPermissions' => FALSE,
  'where' => [['first_name', '=', 'Elizabeth']],
  'select' => ['id', 'display_name'],
  'limit' => 1000,
  'offset' => 2,

Key things to note:

  • The options array is completely gone. The params array is the list of options.
  • Most items in the params array have shared/generic implementations - ensuring consistent naming and behavior for every api entity.
  • The data fields (e.g. id, display_name, and first_name) no longer appear at the top. They always appear beneath some other param, such as where or select.

API Wrapper

  • APIv4 supports two notations in PHP:
    • Procedural/array style: civicrm_api4('Entity', 'action', $params)
    • Object-oriented style: \Civi\Api4\Entity::action()->...->execute()
  • When using OOP style in an IDE, most actions and parameters can benefit from auto-completion and type-checking.
  • $checkPermissions always defaults to TRUE. In APIv3, the default depended on the environment (TRUE in REST/Javascript; FALSE in PHP).
  • Instead of APIv3's sequential param, a more flexible index controls how results are returned. In traditional style is is the 4th parameter to the api function:
    • Passing a string will index all results by that key e.g. civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 'id') will index by id.
    • Passing a number will return the result at that index e.g. civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', $params, 0) will return the first result and is the same as \Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->first(). -1 is the equivalent of $result->last().
  • When chaining API calls together, back-references to values from the main API call must be explicitly given (discoverable in the API Explorer).


  • For get, the default limit has changed. If you send an API call without an explicit limit, then it will return all records. (In v3, it would silently apply a default of 25.) However, if you use the API Explorer, it will recommend a default limit of 25.
  • The create action is now only used for creating new items (no more implicit update by passing an id to v3 create).
  • The save action in v4 is most similar to v3's create, with the difference that it takes an array of one or more records instead of a single record. Like APIv3's create, it infers the action based on the presence of id in each record.
  • Update and Delete can be performed on multiple items at once by specifying a where clause, vs a single item by id in v3. Unlike v3, they will not complain if no matching items are found to update/delete and will return an empty result instead of an error.
  • getsingle is gone, use $result->first() or index 0.
  • getoptions is no longer a standalone action, but part of getFields.
  • replace requires at least one value; if there are no values to replace, use delete.


  • Result is an ArrayObject rather than a plain array.
  • In PHP, you can iterate over the ArrayObject (foreach ($myResult as $record)), or you can call methods like $result->first() or $result->indexBy('foo').
  • By default, results are indexed sequentially (0,1,2,3,... like APIv3's sequential => 1). You may optionally index by id, name, or any other field, as in:
    • (Procedural-style; use $index parameter): civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [], 'id')
    • (OOP-style; use indexBy() method): \Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->execute()->indexBy('id')
  • Custom fields are refered to by name rather than id. E.g. use constituent_information.Most_Important_Issue instead of custom_4.