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Search Kit - Links and Tasks

Most API entities provide a set of "paths" which Search Kit can use to display view/edit/delete links per row. For example, the Contact entity contains the following paths:

"add": "civicrm/contact/add?reset=1&ct=[contact_type]",
"view": "civicrm/contact/view?reset=1&cid=[id]",
"update": "civicrm/contact/add?reset=1&action=update&cid=[id]",
"delete": "civicrm/contact/view/delete?reset=1&delete=1&cid=[id]"
You can add these "paths" in your own entity as part of the XML that defines the entity (as part of the table definition as you can see in the example below:
  <comment>Log for incoming Koalect Transactions</comment>

More on the XML schema

You can find more on how the XML schema for entities works in XML Schema defintion

Search Kit treats anything within brackets like a token and replaces the value, e.g. [id] becomes the actual contact ID for each row.


Legacy Search Tasks

For transitional purposes, Search Kit supports many of the tasks from Advanced Search, namely the ones that work in "standalone" mode (can be accessed via a url outside of the Advanced Search screen). To illustrate, here's a snippet from CRM_Contact_Task:

self::TASK_PRINT => [
  'title' => ts('Print selected rows'),
  'class' => 'CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Print',
  'result' => FALSE,
  'title' => ts('Mailing labels - print'),
  'class' => 'CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Label',
  'result' => TRUE,
  'url' => 'civicrm/task/make-mailing-label',
  'icon' => 'fa-print',
Notice that the first task does not contain a url key and therefore is not available in Search Kit, whereas the second task is accessible via a standalone url (and looks nice in the task list because of the icon).

Any task with a url property added via hook_civicrm_searchTasks will appear in Search Kit as well.

For Contact searches, the above should be sufficient, and the $form->_contactIds variable will be populated with the selected record ids as usual. For other searches such as on Contributions, the $form->_contributionIds variable will not be populated for you as usual. You will need to retrieve it in preProcess() using e.g. $this->_contributionIds = explode(',', $this->get('id'));

Angular-based Tasks

New tasks built for Search Kit consist of an Angular controller, which receives the name of the entity (e.g. "Contact") and an array of IDs to be acted upon. Typically this controller will present the user with a configuration form, and then run crmSearchBatchRunner which performs an api action on 500 records at a time & shows a progress bar to the user.

Extensions wishing to add new actions to Search Kit should implement hook_civicrm_searchKitTasks.